manufacturing set up forms the backbone of our company and a reason for our
excellence in the industry. Our development and production unit is located
in G.I.D.C. Sarigam. 396155 Dist. Valsad Gujarat. The strategic location
offers several advantages that facilitate our production and supply.
Ultimately, the location also enable us cut down huge costs especially in
the department of transportation.
Some of the highlights of our manufacturing capabilities and facilities
Considerable research is carried out in regular basis,
both in the development of existing products as well as into new chemical
entities and products. Our well trained and talented professionals assist us
in exceeding our clients' expectations and delivering every product with
speed and accuracy that is considered to be unparalleled in the industry.
With our management systems and tools optimized for sustainability, we
create value for our clients and our partners in business. At the same time,
our measures ensure that we fulfill the diverse industrial and commercial
requirement of our clients.